Bessie Coleman

About Bessie Coleman
- Biography
- Fast Facts
Born January 26, 1892, Bessie Coleman was an American aviator and the first woman of both African American and Native American descent to possess a pilot license. Saving up money to travel to France to become a pilot, she earned her international license in 1921 and later became a show pilot in the United States. Sadly, her career ended abruptly in 1926 when she perished in a plane crash. She was 34 years old.
1st woman of African-American descent, and the 1st of Native-American descent, to hold a pilot’s license
10th of 13 children in her family
2 months spent in France completing an advanced course in aviation
12 years old when she was accepted into the Missionary Baptist Church School on scholarship
Learned to fly in a Nieuport 82 biplane
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